SEO Tasks to Kick-Start Ranking Improvement In 2018

by on January 10, 2018

New Year has begun and you may be working with dedication to earn something more valuable in the rest of the year. Well, the start can be turned into an inspiration which can turn along to motivate you throughout the year. Same is the case with SEO. If you work on SEO and you really want to make things happen your favor, you can start doing right things to make sure that rest of the year brings your work in spotlight. There are a few SEO tasks which you can do to push your website towards higher ranks.

Improve page speed

While other ranking factors are still there to be taken care of, there is one big addition which specifically focuses mobile users. It’s the page speed. According to a study, page result has been one of the main factors in turning visitors into customers.

The main hurdle in this scenario is that people don’t actually realize that their websites have been performing poorly because of page speed. And then they ask reasons for the bad performance of their websites. In that case, it becomes essential to examine websites on speed testing platforms. There are several web and desktop tools available to check the website speed.

Having that said, it’s important that you invest in high quality web hosting. Furthermore, you can merge CSS and JavaScript files in order to reduce HTTP calls. Another reason for the poor speed of website has been found as slow loading of the images. Thus, you need to make sure that the images you are using are accurately scaled and compressed.

Create a personal brand

You may think about cold link outreach in order to get some valuable connection with the well-performing brands. Everyone does it in order to establish better business connection. However, this very method is quite challenging. This process can literally be regarded as a method to ask from someone who doesn’t know you at all. It’s the wrong and, sometimes, quite dangerous approach. You need to have good connection with a brand before you send a request for the placement of your link.

Here you can develop your own personal brand. With this brand, you will not have to ask someone for the placement of your links. Instead, people will come and ask for their links to be placed in your site. If you look at this process, it could actually be an opportunity for you to identify legitimate practitioners and look to form a valuable partnership based on mutual interest.

Incorporate video

If you want to market something, text, and images alone cannot drive the traffic you could consider beneficial. Therefore, incorporating video can be your best bet.  The video is a visual illustration which can deliver right message to the audience, asking them to take an action.